Monday, October 10, 2011

Talking to myself again...

These long buss rides give me too much time to wonder how she is miss her...why do i still miss her...i barely know her and yet this....i feel bad for how i horrible to her....i dont understand though...
Her cryptic messages.... she leaves me hanging in text so rudely..... I don't know if she wants to be my friend or if I annoy her.... I should stop trying.... at this point I'm just very annoyed and angry.... just wish I knew the truth from her.... how does she feel about me.... even if its confusin even if it changes everyday, just...something....
Don't know where my world is going... don't know what the future holds... I know everything can change in an instant.... like when my eyes looked into yours.... when our hearts met and our souls connected.... I can never go back... I will never forget our long walks... how u felt in my arms as we hugged at the i felt every morning as we had breakfast together... how loved and cared for you made me feel everyday... no, I know exactly why I miss you...

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