Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mmmmm boooooze zombie want boooooze....

Ahh...14hr shifts suck...especially when its really a 16hr day with travel time...leaves no time to get anything else r fading...all that is left is an idea...i like the idea, but i prefer the actual always just takes time...with me more time than others i think...just cuz i love so hard ...but as always, my heart will go to sleep, slowly die as i zombiefy myself...true i think about it all the time...but i dont remember the feelings anymore...and once that is gone...i forget why i cared so has been a long day...and noone being here has numbed my heart and soul...they had reached out to so many and got nothing on return....and this time it feels like they died...they lost hope in finding love...tired of the game, the flirt, the bull eddie again....nothing to do but work, play music, and drink with my friends....goodbye.

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