Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The best is always saved for last...

Tonights movie is Greenberg....not sure about this one...about 30 mins left in it....another movie about a miserable person...he is very comparable to me...yet i think he makes me look better....i can feel disaster coming though, this movie is dragging on with lots of nothing happening...

"Living a life i dint plan on" ---

I am getting a new team is nice...I think this time i will have a better group of partners...I have a better idea of what I want...last time I was just a guy with money backing up my friends idea...this time I have an idea I want to do...and all I need is the right people to help me get it done...I have the chef I need...I need to find someone to bankroll the operation...having people to work with makes the process all so much easier...i dont want to disappoint them as their friend...i can let myself down anytime...but I cant let down writing the BP will start to come quicker I think...I have to ask around about that bank roll now...and also I either need to find a som for the wine list or get my own sommelier license...$800...just pass two tests, not bad...i can do being a som will help me in my career if i need to find a new job...just checked...classes are full...i have to wait until next maybe i will approach my som friend...also going to check regularly for a new chance to take the is funny...they offer the test all over the country and only the ones in SF area are full...I love this city...

it is late...time to try to sleep...wondering why she didnt write me back...keeps me up at night...i just wanted to be friends...but i guess that cant happen...whatever...

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