Saturday, July 28, 2012

lots of minutes left in today.....

Wow...lucky you....another day another post...a reflection of the fact that I am not doing much these days...after being on the road the last three weeks I have gotten into a groove I get the grand chore of cleaning and packing....

Or ...I wander around Paris again....I am out in the 5th...was on a search for oysters but the place was I decided a glass of wine was in order....sometimes I think the reason everyone sits outside is so they don't suffer how fucking rank they smell....all the smoking dulls the senses too, and all the coffees can't help either, making them swet more and sense less...
And so I at a cake n tea shop....I had a craving for good little shop, not very Parisian at all...they do wedding cakes too so there are lots of wedding mags and the like....very much a chick place....but then I weird would it be if I started to plan my is the brides day for sure...but what if....I do have ideas but truthfully, she will be in charge....if that day ever happens....
I miss to go! know how they say young men think about sex every 40 seconds or so....I think once we turn 30ish instead of sex we think of monogamous sex....every fucking women think about chocolate and shopping as much as we think of sex....stupid biology.....Paris is perfect for women, expensive chocolate and shopping everywhere.....
Every fucking minute....

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