Monday, July 18, 2011

A plan is being born...

Ok so I am going to Europe at sometime in the next year...I dont know a lot about europe honestly, so i am now going to research places i should visit and see...the obvious ones are Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Berlin, and London...then there is (in no particular order) Barcelona, Brussels, Athens, Munich, Milan, Marsiella, Edinburgh, Seville, Dubrovnik, Madrid, Warsaw, Vienna, Prague, Stockholm, Helsinki, Lisbon, Dublin...shit there are a lot of places...this is in no way a complete list....maybe i should go by country or region, plan to spend a week or two seeing shit...then move on...well i wont hold myself to the time limit...choose what i want to see then take the appropriate amount of time to see it and then move on....that sounds like a this for about a year then come home to SF. i wonder how much that would cost probably more than i can save...maybe i just do a couple regions and save the rest for another trip...besides i never dreamed of seeing Venice, Greece, Paris or any part of France for that mater, alone...i want to see those places with the Woman I plan to marry...
Maybe i do Northern Europe first...north west and north east, Germany, Poland, Czech UK, Scandinavia, Baltics, Benelux, and that sounds like a good amount.

just an far.

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