Sunday, November 06, 2011

Are you where you r supposed to be...

I should be somewhere I am not....I might be on my way...or I might be going the wrong direction....I might just end up nowhere near where I will i ever know...if i do what makes me happy I might just end up hating where I end up....or maybe I should do what i have to do but don't want to do and end up somewhere completely different and still hating where I am...FUCK...where is that super motivated smart girl who is an amazing chef and wants to open a spot with me and spend the rest of our lives together creating and loving...ahh who cares....the point is I have to go to work...late night shift...I hate my work, but I am hoping it gets me where I need to is is killing me these fucked up 60 plus hour weeks.... cramming 600 covers a night into every takes a toll alright...especially since i kinda dont like the food or the atmosphere....
I should go now though, the later I get there the later I have to stay...6 months to go....i hope make it...I hope it's worth it...

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