Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My heart my not be here...but I am leaving plenty of love....

I am sooo excited about being in Paris in two  days....all the things I get to see....the more I think about it I wonder why u didn't do this sooner.....like most things in my life.....I tend to lag forever...I have planned out my train ride from the airport....going to take a walk to the apartment through the city....
It has been amazing this last few days here in SF....everyday had been an amazing adventure....I left my house early everyday and did not return until the wee late hours...just to wake up the next day and go on another spontaneous adventure....my friends have been very dear....they all have been very positive and carrying of me....I am so fortunate to have such good people in my life....this city and it's people have shown me why I have loved it so much...
But still....paris....

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