Sunday, December 10, 2006

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Insomnia is kicking the shit out of me the last couple nights….too much caffeine….the house is very quite this weekend…no one here to chat with after work so I think my mind is full of random chatter and its keeping me awake…

Last Thursday was one of those nights to always remember though…I have a habit of barging into my sleeping roommates rooms at four in the morning when I’m drunk…now most people would probably be upset with such actions…maybe yell, be offended, move or whatnot…and I try not to be too imposing…but honestly I cant help it…I’m a night owl and I forget sometimes not everyone else is…anyway…the night out was adventure full and afterwards things got hairy…so I ran down the hall to hide…and barged into Maria’s room…who had to go to work in like 3 hours…I open the door and she mumbles some clutch response to being woken up in the middle of the night “Hey wanna cuddle”…I find that very interesting…no “who the fuck are you?” Or “what’s going on is something wrong?”…Honestly I was half expecting her to shoo me away…instead I crawled into her bed and we chatted for about an hour ‘till the house got quite…

I don’t know how to say it but in the short time knowing my roommates I have grown very fond of all of them…they are like family to me…

Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance. - Rabindranath Tagore

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