Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You are the last time i fall for that old line...

Ten minutes to wait fir the train in this shit hole of a bar....at least it is warm....sometimes you can have the best day....then you get smacked in the face with an empty bag of nothing...and it dropes you to the ground....today work wise was a breez...my shit was on point...my duties done with ease, my coworkers respect me and my bosses are happy with my work...i am where i am supposed to be all the time...
And there it is i sit down in complete control of my surroundings, making jokes, taking it with stride....ready to go have a good time after work....ready to flirt and play and enjoy this awesome city and its people...
Then as if the world knows u just decided you're ok....smack in the face....here u go fucker, no actually today sucked shit and so will tomorrow....your heart is a pile a broken ash and garbage....your soul is dead, and your brain is running on autopilot, no one is home.....

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