Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin..the real Mrs. Broflovski

I just caught the last part of Sarah Palins speech at the Republican NC….it got me angry…I hate liars…I hate people who manipulate words to hide the truth…

The first thing I heard her say..

america needs more energy, our opponent is against it”

whatever…google both candidates stance on energy…they both have similar plans on energy…the only difference is the words used…except for one point…the debate over outer-shelf drilling…environmentalists aside…even if there would be no impact on the environment…according to everyone “conversion of those resources to production would require both time and money. In addition, the average field size in the Pacific and Atlantic regions tends to be smaller than the average in the Gulf of Mexico, implying that a significant portion of the additional resource would not be economically attractive to develop at the reference case prices.” Quoted form the U.S. energy information administration (

oil is like everything else its cheaper when its made in a third world country…we already have acres of land oil companies could drill on…they just don’t cuz it costs too much…so if we force them to drill it still wouldn’t bring down prices….besides oil companies are about making money and economies work on supply and demand…if we demand less then the price goes down…if there is a lot of something the price goes down too…and if the price goes so far down that it costs more to make then to sell…then those companies will fold, disappear and new ones creating new energy sources will take their place to gouge us at our billfolds…

fact is drilling is a point the republicans are using to gain your vote, but again they are lying to you about it…

just like they did with iraq…using our fear of terrorism to illicit a response….and in doing so they are fueling the terrorists by increasing the fear they cause…Sarah gave power to the terrorists with her speech…and she proclaimed her stance against human rights denying due process…

she and the republicans always want smaller government…but why does the deficit keep rising under republicans…why does the budget keep increasing…meaning larger government…what are they really talking about…

well what is government:

21% social security…that’s not going away

9% interest…bush has done nothing but raise that

21% defense…don’t they want more of that?

21% medicare and medicade…this is our public health insurance…its mandatory and cant change…

11% other mandatory spending for things like welfare and unemployment and disability…socialist ideas that work…and cant change in the budget

so that leaves 16% for things like: Transportation, federal highways and bridges, support for Amtrak, funds to help states with other roads, bridges, railroads, airports and so on. And things like the FDA, FBI, and the DEA…anything you can think of that starts with “department of” is government, like the department of justice, the department of homeland security, the department of education…these things all bring you the infrastructure to be an American…

so republicans want to take these things away…and reduce taxes…

we’ve had 8 years of that thinking and I don’t know about you but I don’t see the mass amount of jobs these new lower taxes have brought…in fact I know many people who have lost their jobs…and do you know how many people the government employs…if they lost their jobs too where would they go…to take yours…to not spend their money that they don’t have at your work…yah it trickled down alright…broke ass trickled all the way down to the bum who gets less spare change on the street corner and now has to get a job…oh wait there arnt any…

and then she says raising taxes will hurt small businesses…but wait isn’t the SBA (Small business administration) another piece of large government…wont getting rid of that hurt them more than raising taxes on large businesses and the rich…oh yah that’s who is going to get taxed, not middle America…but that wouldn’t be fair would it…not as fair as tax right offs for billionaire airlines or oil companies who refuse to drill unless the gov picks up the costs…isn’t that large government too…

republicans love to twist the facts around…bunch of compulsive liars hiding their motives for their own greed…

And how does she presume to talk about experience when she has been governor for months…McCane being so fucking old could very well pass while in term and then we would have some PTA nag, blame throwing, close minded, power abusing, righteous Shiela Broflovski type bitch as president…do we really want that…nothing against women I don’t mind having a woman as president…but someone who can do the job with integrity and dignity and experience…She has none and I don’t like her…

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