Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How long should we keep doing this...

Kitchen nightmares and Restaurant impossible are fun is fun to watch others do what you learn from their amazes me how simple it is and yet how dificult some people find running a place to be....but in the end you find that it comes down to some key requirements to is passion, you have to care about what u r doing...two is drive, you have to be willing to be consistent in your passion, to do hard work your passion deserves...and three is technical knowhow, sometimes people fail just because they didnt know better....
You cant succeed without all three of those....and in every episode you find people who lack in all three of if you want to be the best, you also need concetrate on a single passion....
I definitely have the passion, it is crucial in my work...the best service u get is from people who really care about what they are is not hard to take someones order and get them all that they need...but if u care, it is so much more than's making sure the experience is perfect and people leave with a fond memory...that takes is fucking important...the truth is people deserve to be taken care of...a lot rides on meal time...relationships can be broken or made...especially yesterday....u screw up someones dinner and their life can change...the bad experience can linger through the night, and instead of getting laid, they are up all night fighting, and then they take the shity night to work and fuck up there, then before you know it everything snowballs and the couple are divorced homeless crackheads and it is all your fault....they could have had a great time, rekindled their love, decide to seek professional help, and go on to grow into very happy successful people...
There is so much more to say and expand on and share...but...this is frustrating...

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