So when you were busy and having fun the days go by very time here has been a stand still...I try to keep myself busy but there are only so many museums to see and a limit to how much info your brain can take in a between hours of French lessons and hours more of researching on the net, and a French movie, there seems to be half a day left to fill....i mostly spend my time walllking around, going for a run, exercise, long meals, yet during those activities I am in my own head, alone....
I seem to keep hitting that traveling alone sucks wall....I get it when you're young and out every night meeting strangers....but I am not interested in the kids here...
Although I must say I am in love with a certain type of French women, the style, the beautiful faces, short petite gorgeous women, very modest make up, outfits perfectly put together, but without seeming to try at all...I am extremely picky when it comes to what I find attractive...i think my dream girl is French....
to be honest this is something of a big deal for me to is like living your life without nuetela, maybe u had things like it, or tasted it before but it was always rare and hard to find, you knew you like it but you couldn't single it out in all the flavors your world offered, but now you're in a new world and nuetella is everywhere and tasted better then ever noticed fact if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life you are certain it would be that, not chocolate, not cake, not candy, not found your true's like that....
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