Saturday, April 28, 2012

On the road to recovery....

Did I hit bottom...I guess I did, why else would i do those things....was it Love or just addiction....truth is, I didnt love most of my exes....I am an addict...A Love addict....and once you cuddle next to me, look into my eyes and smile...I am hooked...and every thought I have is how I am going to spend more time with you....addicted....and addicts do anything for one more hit...

Love Addicts Anonymous

The Twelve Promises

  1. I have a new sense of freedom because I am letting go of the past.
  2. I am hopeful about my future relationships.
  3. I can be attracted to someone without falling in love overnight, and I can fall in love without obsessing.
  4. If love does overwhelm me I do not act out in addictive ways.
  5. I can tell the difference between fantasies and reality.
  6. I do not have to control the ones I love nor let them control me.
  7. I experience relationships one at a time and I do not get involved with “unavailable” people.
  8. If my basic needs are not being met, I can end my relationship.
  9. I can leave anyone who is abusing me either verbally or physically.
  10. I do not do for others what they should be doing for themselves.
  11. I love myself as much as I love others.
  12. I look to my Higher Power for strength, guidance, and the willingness to change.

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