Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Me and Kelley went to Marine world in V-town like a month ago...

On the Madusa...it was a good ride...we went on most of them twice...the park was empty so we didnt have to wait in lines..i fucking love that...

a cheetah...it just passed back and forth along that fence...like it was insane...very freaky...
The tigers...we got there late in the day so we missed all the shows...but got to see these guys hangin about...

The Lions cage...this pimp had about five bitches hangin around...they just lounged there all day...
The shark walk...
I think I see a phuussy Cat...

Why do marsions where skirts?

The horny geeks of the sea....

This dude wanted to eat me...i know it...
I think this guy was laying in the same spot when I came here 15 years ago...

Not the one that killd that croc guy...
Me and Kelley...we had fun...wasting away a hot summer day...

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