So my family was busy moving our things into our new home – I was a tiny 8 year-old – I couldn’t do much real help but my father – the ever persistent workaholic – wouldn’t have me just watch so I walked under the couch with my arms up pretending to be helping as my brothers and father heaved it up the steps towards the front door – Luckily a savior came to my rescue – The neighbor girl came walking up to say hi – She was my age – blond, blue eyed, nice looking girl with a plate of brownies in her hand – “Hi my name is Allison…”
This is the moment in a drama where the teen love song comes on and she appears to move in slow motion with her hair blowing in the wind and we make eye contact – and a love interest is created –
No not in my life – instead as she stuck around and chatted with my family I found her to be a strange person and a bit annoying - I remember arguing about the name of our street “Lei St.” Allison pronounced it with a long E like Lee – as my brothers and I argued it was pronounced with a Long A like Lay – Argh – I bet she STILL pronounces it “Lee”
Despite the awkwardness – I immediately enjoyed hanging out with her - we became good friends – Allison introduced me to the other kids in the neighborhood – except Jim – my polar opposite on the street – throughout the third grade, Allison was who I hung out with after school – There really wasn’t anyone else around to play with -
A lot of things about us were different – we went to different schools – we had very different parents with hugely different parenting styles – my parents were strict and old fashioned and Allison’s where about timeouts and then family time – basically she was my introduction to white American culture – I remember milk at dinner being the strangest thing to me –
I have tones of stories about her and I – I went through the gambit of emotions with Allison – We kissed once – we also played “show me yours I’ll show you mine” – we also fought a bit about stupid things like is Michael’s “Beat-it” or Weird Al’s “Eat-it” a better song – I remember always trying to look cool around her and always ending up looking foolish - The truth of the matter is Allison became my first “Girl Buddy”
It seems that throughout my life I have always had a “Girl Buddy” – someone who I talk to and Love and care about to the point where I sometimes think I am “In Love” – but there’s usually nothing there – most guys call it being in “the Friends Zone” and I’m just not aggressive enough with my emotions – Truth is I enjoy having a “Girl buddy” in my life – I don’t know what came first (3rd grade or my traits) – but I am the type of guy that likes to hang out with girls and hear gossip – well girls or gay guys – who seem to have taken girl drama to a whole new level – and I find it very relaxing – reliving the third grade in a whole new way.
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