Sometimes its really nice to get out of the City – Last weekend I went down to Santa Cruz - I like it down there – It’s such a small town but somehow it maintains a sense of culture and life – It’s probably the seediest of all the beach communities along the One – That's two good reasons for a person like me to want to visit SC – not to mention my good friends living down there -
I got talked into a Social D concert Friday night – I like them but every song sounds so similar - But I figured out how to survive a Social D concert – Listen to the first few songs then when they go into something new take off for a shot at the bar - then go back for a couple more songs and just when the relentless beat starts to drive your brain insane you leave and go have a smoke outside – then come back and make your way to the front so close you can see the tattooed make-up on Mike Ness droop in the cracks of his old aged sagging eyes.
It was nice hanging out in SC – It was very different to how I’ve been living my life recently – Dinner with my friends parents and not to forget Grandma who loved to talk shit about her granddaughters husband – “I’m too old to worry about peoples feelings” I think is what she said – Waiting for the kids to pass out so we could go to the beach smoke a bowl and roast smores by the fire – It was a very domestic time – and very relaxing
It was great seeing old friends living down there – Saturday night I got to see and dance to another Arzlo Production – The Fuzz – They put me to work doing the sound for the band – I love being a part of live music in any way and it definitely put the bug in me to perform again -
Then Sunday when I got back to the City my roommate invited out to the “Up Your Alley” street fair – It’s like a smaller less touristy version of the Folsom Street Fair – walking around I saw naked old men lined up against the walls of the alley openly stroking their cocks and other sights of naked exhibitionism including oral sex in the middle of the street – Ahhhh what a perfect welcome back home to San Francisco – The Best City in the USA.
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