Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Mmmmm boooooze zombie want boooooze....
Ahh...14hr shifts suck...especially when its really a 16hr day with travel time...leaves no time to get anything else done....so...memories r fading...all that is left is an idea...i like the idea, but i prefer the actual thing...it always just takes time...with me more time than others i think...just cuz i love so hard ...but as always, my heart will go to sleep, slowly die as i zombiefy myself...true i think about it all the time...but i dont remember the feelings anymore...and once that is gone...i forget why i cared so much....today has been a long day...and noone being here has numbed my heart and soul...they had reached out to so many and got nothing on return....and this time it feels like they died...they lost hope in finding love...tired of the game, the flirt, the bull shit....so....zombie eddie again....nothing to do but work, play music, and drink with my friends....goodbye.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
time is all it needs to grow....
Friday, October 28, 2011
My heart is heavy....
I try...i really fucking do...i dont want to want what i cant have...i wish i could live without love....i am trying so fucking hard to forget about it...to stay busy and focus on other things....but days off are hard...especially when u get reminders of how lost my love is....how far away love is for me...how impossible being loved is....France must be my focus...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
I don't worry about it...just do what makes me happy...
Ugh....i need free space....i am bringing home work tonight....i swore i would never do that...the thing i hated most was when my father did nothing but talk and do work outside of it....life should be enjoyed....work should be enjoyable....but there should be a separation from the intense cerebral n controllable work world and the emotional unpredictable life away from there....one of the reasons i dont like hanging out with work friends...amazingly though the friends i made at mecca knew how to separate work and life....so yes i am bringing home work...this one time...only....at least i am getting paid....paris feels more like a reality now money wise....i just need to learn the language, find a place to stay, and find someone to take me apartment while i am away....maybe an sc intern....
Anyway tooo much real info for u today...but i cant help it....i am alone....
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
What i am....
What i see in you....
When you smile...
How can i feel you...
You could only know....
Why the world let me go...
Why we r not....
When we will be...
In this place i have no control...
Here where nothing is predictable...
In ur images i see...
What is ur beauty...
What is my love...
Your arms around me...
Your lips pressed to mine...
My fingers running through ur hair...
Every minute that passes...
That u n i are apart....
I regret...for not being able...
Not being ready....not being with you...
My heart is urs....my love unrequited....unknown...anonymous....
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
How are you my 1 and only...
Empty.... Road is long with no end in sight.... the path is bare...void of Vibrant loving Colors all I see is hints of green and brown in the darkness.... the air is crisp n clean but missing 1 very important thing.... you're sweet wonderful scent.... I imagine your arm wrapped around mine... your hand in mine ur fingers curling in my palm... my hand squeezes at the thin air... you are my dream and I am reaching for you....
Saturday, October 22, 2011
This road is long n i hate waiting...
It is fucking hot today....and muni is not cooperating....one packed buss broken down, fallowed by another late arriving ubberpacked buss full of foreigners who dont know how to move back or step down....and then when i get a seat the old guy next to me gad such rank breath i nearly lose it....late for work...
These are the days when a little reminder of how much u love me would get me through it all feeling good....but there is no you...there is no family....there is no best friend....instead i have to pretend...believe you r reading this in your soul...that u r somewhere stuck in traffic thinking about me....
This is not a test....it is my life...honestly...for this moment....
Food service is definitely my passion...I put my heart into it...I know it is a dream but I do hope when I am in france and spain i learn a lot about food....and someday my dream is to open my own place where my misunderstood expression can have a place to be released...my only hope is that it can be loved too...my fear is that noone will get it like noone gets me...
I guess that is why i want someone else by my side to help me, to help reign in my oddity....it would be cool to marry a chef...ohh all these dreams and fantasies I have...who knows what reality will bring...
Friday, October 21, 2011
Or was it even a choice.
I walk by this everyday to and from work....
sorry to bother you, I guess I misread your signals...
so anyway....could talk about the fun shit that happened last night, or all the shit that is my new job, or the fun that was le diner SF, or the drama in my friends lives, or the two earthquakes we had yesterday, or my plans and opportunities, my carear, my music projects, and the lack of love and sex in my life...or
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
U r always with me even though u r not....
It is sunny and warm by my house....but here by the beach it is cold and foggy...it is my friday...no real plans this weekend...maybe i will have time to do shit...i hope i have a good shift tonight...we are having a beer dinner....i am expecting it to be slow...but these r the days we get slamed out of nowhere...idk i will be ready ether way....time to work...hello ocean...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
If u could see me now....
Hi. How was ur day today? I hope it was good. Mine is just starting...i hope i get off early enough to see my friends tonight. Also i would like to take a ride in that party car if it got me off this buss...
I see the ocean...time to work.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
You are who? What r u doing here?
Being single sucks...especially in this city of sluts....it is never hard to meet a casual relationship but finding someone to love is imposable....truthfully i have never dated someone who lived here....they either lived somewhere else than moved here or lived in Oakland...or Sweden i guess...but i guess what i have to do is refocus on living without love...and maybe this city and those facts are exactly what i need....give me the time to save money, learn french, and no excuses to stay....so, back to that idea for me....i think it was just the idea of talking to the one that got away made me long for love again...i had the time to put that away....it is hard to do because so many things remind me of her everyday... and everyone I meet is nothing like her.... and what I want is like her....and for me i never wanted the relationship to end...so it has been hard...anyway....the point is i have France in 7 months....that is my focus...
This shit sucks....
Hello. Guess what i am doing.....yup waiting for the buss....but i am not sure if it is coming. The streets are closing for the nike half marathon here tomorrow. My work is going to be insanely busy and getting to work is going to be horrible....
I dont think a buss is coming....this sucks.
So I've been off work for an hour and I am still waiting for a bus.... I waited a half hour for my usual bus then i called just to find out it's not coming because of an accident....so i had to walk 20mins to another stop to wait 10 more minutes for a bus that takes me towards my house but not really close....
And tomorrow is gonna suck shit bad too...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
No more drunk blogging...too much wahhh wahhh....anyway. puss puss bessos XXOO.
Friday, October 14, 2011
It is my night off...i am surrounded by gay boys....this is not how u find the girl of ur dreams.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Hate waiting for the bus i feel hopeless.... so tired I just want to be home in bed...this is the moment the sadness creeps in...wasting time...tomorrow the dmv is a must...and with any luck maybe a new scooter too....i am very excited about friday night....le diner should be lots of fun....i just got two bottles of champagne and a bottle of merlot...and i have desert wine at home....i have to cook tomorrow....i am probably making tamales....yay here comes the buss!
No one on it this time...usually there are about four people who sleep all night on it....my stop is the first stop so buss is just turning around when i get it....so these people just dont get off...it sometimes is the same ones....so crazy...
I am sooo tired....i cant wait to get home take a long hot shower crawl in bed and cuddle...if only someone was there waiting for me....i wonder if anyone else is getting on this buss....
Oh i just remembered my fuck up today at work...nothing that matters but i want to be perfect...work is over now so whatever....
My friend is coming into town tomorrow....wonder if she is bringing her baby....
Someone finally got on this buss with me...a big fucking empty buss and this guy decides to sit next to me....weird....my stop os next...wonder how long i have to wait for my next buss...
It's another twenty minutes....i think i will take a cab instead...10 bucks is worth it....luckily cab pass by here all the time....
Almost home! Glad u could be here with me....i think i will stop off at walgreens...i am starving...i hate that though....nuts and crackers for dinner again...it is soo much nicer here...it is warmer and no fog....the sunset sucks....
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Goodnight darling....
I am sad....my day at work kinda sucked...i had hoped to get out in time to see my friends...i miss them....instead it is a 14hr shift....but that isn't the worst of it....
i am also very tired...i really need someone to share with....to share life and all that that is....the good n the bad...
So much to say...and this blogg is no place for those words....
Monday, October 10, 2011
Talking to myself again...
These long buss rides give me too much time to think...to wonder how she is doing....to miss her...why do i still miss her...i barely know her and yet this....i feel bad for how i was...so afraid....so horrible to her....i dont understand though...
Her cryptic messages.... she leaves me hanging in text so rudely..... I don't know if she wants to be my friend or if I annoy her.... I should stop trying.... at this point I'm just very annoyed and angry.... just wish I knew the truth from her.... how does she feel about me.... even if its confusin even if it changes everyday, just...something....
Don't know where my world is going... don't know what the future holds... I know everything can change in an instant.... like when my eyes looked into yours.... when our hearts met and our souls connected.... I can never go back... I will never forget our long walks... how u felt in my arms as we hugged at the airport...how i felt every morning as we had breakfast together... how loved and cared for you made me feel everyday... no, I know exactly why I miss you...
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Thursday, October 06, 2011
This is my honesty....wher is urs...
Fuck Fuckidy Fuck FUCK….this hurts…my pride is bruised…my heart is sad, my soul rejected, and my mind knows better…you see I am an adult…you show a kid a bag of candy and toys they will cry and whine until they get what they want…but as you grow up and mature you learn that life is not perfect…you can want something more than anyone else, you can deserve something more than anyone else you can earn something more than anyone else, but that doesn’t mean you will get it…and as a mature adult you don’t waste time moping or pouting or complaining about the things you cant have…that is just wasted energy….you learn to move on and accept…you learn to focus on the better things in life and drive yourself to improve yourself and the things you can control…
All my life the only thing I ever wanted most was to be loved, accepted for who I am, to be trusted, for someone to have faith in me, to want to be with me, to want to take the time to talk with me and listen to me, someone to ask me about the things I care about…growing up neglected has left me damaged and hard to love, because I don’t think anyone is sincere in their feelings for me…and at this point in my life I have no reason to change that belief…
It is time to stop being stupid, to stop thinking Anna cares about me at all….to stop thinking we could be friends….i care about her…I fell in love for a reason….and for those reasons I wanted to keep in touch with her, because she interests me….i am fond of her…and that wont change….but as an adult…even though I want something, anything…I cant make that happen, there is nothing I can do, I don’t know what I could try or say or do…I guess she was just being polite…that only hurts more…like being lied to….
Back to forgetting about her…to focusing on the better things in life….to not writing here anymore…because it is here that I get taking advantage of….goodbye again.
You dont know what i know....
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
What do you want from me now?
There is this girl who...well i cant tell....i hate not knowing if a girl is into you or just being friendly....i hate it when girls are not forward with what they want....she probably isn't interested....i reached out there...made myself available...offered to get together a time to talk and nothing...but when we are together she does all the things that make me think she is interested....so idk....truth us i want someone else anyway....she doesnt want me though....that sucks....but i am trying my best to ignore love....i need a FWB to keep me occupied until love finds me again.
Anyway.....is this enough for you?
Monday, October 03, 2011
Sunday, October 02, 2011
I will if u do....
Hello....i am on my way to work....it has been a super hot weekend here....great free music fest in the park next to my work is making it difficult to get to work....and today the castro street fair is going on so i had to walk an extra mile and take three busses....i am late still but ohwell....my work is also very busy....but nothing i cant handle....i have lots to do today....i like to work...i like the business i am in....despite it totally not being my style....but i think overall i have a warmth in my soul....totally not related but affects everything...i dont care about the imperfections....because i know what is important....it's the years together and this is just the road getting us there....I move in 7 months....that time will fly by....especially how busy i am.