Thursday, September 29, 2011
Maybe we r special... is very nice to have days off...i dont know what to do though....i am trying to relax....but it would be beneficial to study the menus more...but no work talk now...the lady behind me has a very annoying voice....yapping away on her phone...anyway...
It is a real thing...sometimes u dont know what u had until it's be honest....i am glad i am not in Sweden right now...long distance relationships truly suck...and i hope she finds someone to love her...but truth is every woman i have met since just cant compare...i need to move....maybe it is a cultural thing....if i get to europe than maybe i would find someone i am interested in....this is my 9th year here and in that time i have met no one living in this city that i could love....i think after a good 3 months there i will have a better idea as to how to answer that question....or is Anna one of a kind...if that is the case...well then i know we will meet again.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tell me something....
Hello blogger...another work week done....dont know if anything i did matter...being here has confirmed my belief in smaller restaurants....i will only work here for a few months....i dont like how impersonal it is...sure i talk to every table but i dont get to know anyone....and the staff is so young and suburban....most of them live way out here...this is definitely not the city...the people here are way to laid back and chilled....which also moves me want to move more...anyway....i just caught my buss's my friday and i am looking forward to seeing friends tonight....but i am sooo tired....i would love to come home to u and sit with a bottle of wine and just talk all night....i need that...i need someone to trust....someone who doesnt judge me....someone who accepts my phone is i will end this now......
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Hello from the buss...
Hello...are you doing well? I hope so. What is new with you? I am taking hour long buss rides to work. Gives me time to check my mail....the news and is hot work will be is my friday finally...i am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow...although i have a shit load of shit to do....i am late for work due to the stupid busses...i really need to get a scooter....i can see the ocean....i know a wastes blog...but j just wanted to hear your voice and see you smile...
Sunday, September 25, 2011
It will get better...cuz u r better....
Hello, so this job is taking lots of my time...which is good cuz it's les time to wallow in misery....but it's also less time to work towards happiness...i have struggled my whole life with misery....but i know with every mistake, every left step going left instead of right...i learn what makes me happy...until i met you i didnt know....but losing you doesnt move me further into misery because having known you fills me with hope...i will be better...i will do better...and whoever you are will be different...
There is so much more to it than is only one aspect of in this post can be my career, it could be my city, it could be the musicians i play with...and with each of those things i am ever learning and growing and changing what i want and dont....i dont think that ever stops...i will always work to get things better...alternatively maybe as i age i will learn to adapt more and accept where i am and enjoy what i have...what i cant do is go back...i cant unlearn the music we created...i cant forget what having u there when i need u is like....i want to wake up and look forward to seeing you and spending my whole day with you...
And in so....i search for those things i am missing in my life...not with misery...but with hope....
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Hello blogg u r such a good listener...
So my new job is going well....Thursday i spent most of the day at the was killer...brewing beer was never on my life list of things to do, but now that i've done it i am glad it i can say ive shoveled mash and added hops to a beer and helped choose a blend of malts to use....and in three or so weeks i get to drink my beer....overall it was a fun day and the brewer is a nice guy so it was fun....
In the end though it only drives me harder to wanting to be in france and visit a winery and spend a day crushing grapes....
I need to get a couple books to start heading towards my som is "the wine bible"....incidentally, if my left went left instead of right, that book would probably be part of the gifts i would bring to i know what u r thinking...ive done so well and havent mentioned an ex in sooo long...but the truth is i will always care about them...and i will always be nice to them...and so when it is their birthdays and i still want to get them something if i can....just friendship....i dont do unrequited love....anymore. to eat buss comes soon and i cant miss it.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Hope my 2nd day of work goes better than this
Watch "Carrie 1976 Pig's Blood Scene" on YouTube
I need to sleep...gota wake up in 4hours.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Do you know me...
I know...i can't's just that there is this baby here and my friend posted the cutest picture of her daughter the other day...and i am reminded of the night she came into my the past i was always nervous holding babies and shrugged them away when people tried to hand them to me....but her baby was so cute and nice...and when i held her i felt right...women always talk about their clock...they may have a physical thing but studies show that men change after 30ish...i so believe that...i am not saying i want babies now...but i am looking forward to being an awesome daddy someday.
The grass is always greener....
Well another paragraph finished...but truth is i have a feeling i am not quite done yet with fact in writing this i just remembered a couple things i promised i would do that i for my word i have to go back...probably tomorrow...still though it is nice that is done...
So i dont have a girlfriend to talk to....i dont have family to talk to...and i dont really have friends that i talk to...sooo instead i write here among other my imaginary girlfriend...but i think i am going to write less if not stop all together...just one reads it anyway...and i am bored with the 1 sidedness of it all....
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
here you it's your turn...
Monday, September 19, 2011
Love is for losers.... first official duty at my new job is a 6am manager meeting tomorrow....yah in 5 and a half hours....and i am at a bar...what the fuck am i supposed to do....i couldnt sleep now takes an hour to get there so i have to be up and alive by 430am four hours from i sleep? This is going to be hard...also my heart would always treat u right...its my mind that picks the fights...never done that before...not like that...scared the shit out of me....
Sunday, September 18, 2011
and yet here you are again...
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
good morning sunshine..
anyway...i have four more shifts at my current job...this is my last weekend...I am a bit nervous about it...i guess that's why my dreams have been freaking me out...i like nervous though...change is scary, the risk and chance i am taking is big...many people i tell are happy for me, but in this economy no one is leaving their jobs because if the new one sucks you could be screwed for a long time...but this is all fun for me....i am sure of my self and i know i am great at my job....besides it's only temporary until i do something really crazy and big in my life...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I fell...i got up...i am walking again
Look down....that is u again, now...i dont know who took that pic of you...but it looks like if u wait, i will catch up to u n view of u isn't so honesty, courtesy, and genuine kindness gets me in to things that seem ok
..but they cant fake....well...u set a high standard of ease and desire that casual hellos cant compete with ur words to me...i dont know why u look back at me...i am happy u did...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Hey there lover...
So...i got my new phone finally...i have to get used to typing on a touch screen....hopefully it wont hinder my logorrhea of the is much faster though so i am able to satisfy my unfocused brain as it wonders in random thoughts....anyway, the last few times i went out i conversed with some very attractive women...each oh so different from the other...i enjoy meeting people and it always feels good when someone hits on you...but it is so hard to find true chemistry...despite the initial attraction nothing is going to come of it....but it is nice to be out there flirting...i have high standards sorry 23yr old girl you are too young, midwest girl u r too midwest...spanish girl, well...u i wouldnt mind talking to again, but we will probably just be friends...anyway it will soon be tonight again...who knows who i will meet...probably not you though...who are you and why did you read this?
Monday, September 12, 2011
champagne, oysters, cheese, n olives....yummy happy hour...
i love mondays....
Sunday, September 11, 2011
just another night in SF...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
just something because i like you...
something to read....
Friday, September 09, 2011
you must think i am very stupid...
Thursday, September 08, 2011
I am the only one like me....
it's today again...
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
If I open my eyes....
the chipmunk squirrel wakes up...
So the chipmunk squirrel opens his eyes and gives them a is pitch black in his room but he can tell it is a warm sunny day out...his dreams fade from his memory as he stretches in bed....he checks his phone for signs of life....nothing....hmmm....flips on the laptop and opens up the curtain....the sunlight brightens the room, but it still is a bit dim despite the sunny day out....he sits and checks his mail, reads the news...then the social pages....then a thought creeps into his brain....ugh...i missed her sooo much last night....he could i miss her still, i barely know her...i am better than that, better than still being sad over some silly stupid of me....he shakes his head his mind so ready to put her in his past....time to concentrate on my future....
So the squirrel sits down for breakfast and coffee....and a pen n pad and scribbles down his goals for the moment....get new better job, save to move, learn to live without women (he scratches women out) ...Love, ...he sits and thinks about that for a moment.........his philosophy in life has always been Love first, then friends, work, and could he now live without the one thing he exists for....he dreams of falling in love, having a long engagement filled with travels and learning and passion...then a romantic wedding, a very long honeymoon...then eventually settling down and raising his two beautiful daughters....but.....the chipmunk takes a deep breath...looks at those words "learn to live without love" and then rights down "for now" .....he takes one last sip of coffee...takes a look at his clock and realises he is going to be late for work....he pays his bill and thanks his friend for the kind service...and then makes his way to the gofer tunnels to catch the next millipedes towards downtown and his work...his phone buzzes....missed call from the snow leopard...hmmm....
the story continues....
So there once was this hair….er bunny…or rabbit…..ummm
“I am either a bunny or a rabbit…and definitely not a hair.”
Ohh yes so She is a Bunny Rabbit…
“I cant be both! One or the other…”
….OK so this Bunny Rabbit…“hymph”….has returned from her visit across that sea….she has spent her summer working away saving and tanning….but summer is over and it is time for her to move away from home…she says goodbye to her loving father and mother and farewell to her little brother…she packs her bags and gives a goodbye kiss to the family pet hamster…with a tear in the back of her eye fighting to get out and an excitement in her chest busting into screams of joy, she walks out through the fields of grass and long calm beaches to the unknown islands of the north…with her bags in hand she hops over to a friendly line of roadrunners, she finds one she likes and tucks her bags under a few feathers of his belly, the bird in line with a train of others all pecking at a pile of seeds as gofers and turtles all take their places on the backs of these birds….the Bunny Rabbit hops onto his back, and after a few moments the roadrunners begin to walk along, his legs chugging along the birds begin to pick up speed…the rabbit has been here before but this time there is no return trip planned…she is off to start her life….in her mind she envisions all the great things to come and these birds cant move any faster….
Meanwhile, back on the peninsula miles away across the sea there is a chipmunk squirrel…he is living amongst the tree squirrels and gofers, playing everyday with his friends the owl and parakeet and the gay koala…..He has thrown himself into work, serving gourmet nuts and berry juices to all sorts of traveling birds and animals…he says hello and goodbye to many strangers a day, working hard and having fun…then, after, he plays with his friends distracting himself as much as he can until the wee hours of the night until all there is to do is go home rest his little chipmunk head and sleep…because in the back of his mind is an image of a Bunny Rabbit that he just cant forget…he can see her big beautiful eyes, her perfect fluffy tail, and how warm he felt when she smiled at him…he wonders about all the wonderful things in her life and how she is doing…but…he must force those thoughts away, he knows she loves him not…
So driven to forget her, he throws himself at anything that comes his way…but his heart is not into it…his soul misses her greatly…and his mind is too weak to let her go…with all his wisdom and years of disappointments and rejections, this time he knows he lost more than just anybody…and he knows he will never get her back…he quickly shakes his head and reminds himself she will never be in his life again…she rejected him and has forgotten about him…the chipmunk squirrel laying in his bed trying to sleep…he plans his next move…he has a checklist and is working hard everyday…he knows he deserves better, that he can be a better chipmunk…and someday….
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
closing early....
I think it is good to get out...I hope I like the new place...gonna have to finally get that scooter though....
It is fucking slow here mind has time to day dream...think about shit....wonder who is making her so happy....I will always think of her as the one that got away....but thinking she is with someone else...moved on from me...happy without me....helps me learn to not like her....waitin for that post of her talking about him or that pic of them together....that would really motivate I only assume she is with someone new....and even if she is not, she will be....
I am not interested in anyone right now, but this thinking about her and how many fucking things I want to talk with her about is not good for have to go on dates if not just to distract make myself feel better about her being with someone else....I want her to be just would be easier if I were happy too.
Love it when a Woman goes for what she wants....
Monday, September 05, 2011
Still myself...just better....
So my parents come back from mexico and i asked them to restock my supply of sleeping pills...and my dad gives me some others to try...xanex and benzos...he obviously doenst know the street value of what he gave me...anyway...i took a xanex today, my first ever...i dont care if this is a pseudo effect or temporary, but it is anxiety has ceased and I am doing shit i need to do...i feel great...IS THIS WHAT EVERYONE ELSE FEELS LIKE ALL THE TIME?! no wonder they find it easy to live life...I have to call my Dr soon...i love this feeling but i got to solve the original issue...this is like the first time i got sleeping pills and realized what a full night of good sleep felt you well adjusted normal people have life pretty easy...
anyway...back to work... u trust me...then know a mistake was made....

Still drink....plastic garnish....being grateful for my almost dead....wondering what ur up to....u have my number. 5% battery life left...ur almost out of time....luckily I am forgiving and understanding...just don't step on me again...