Ahh Awards season has begun…Earlier the Emmys and tonight the VMA’s – All I have to say about the Emmys is Yahhhhhhnnn…that was fucking boring – and it seemed like the awards were a joke in the industry because of tons of strange nominations for shows that are canceled or people that didn’t do much – not that it mattered cuz no one cares anyway –
I Tivo’d the VMA’s Thursday – I was hoping to see some rock – last year as I noted in one of my first blogs I eva posted on myspace the industry is saturated with dirty south rap and the state of pop rock is very sad - - - well things are chang’n and it was evident from the start with My Chemical Romance playing some decent rock in the opening show – but the hype the announcers spewed was ridicules “chiseled into VMA history – never done before” what the fuck!?! -- Its just a band on a roof - cut the shit no one is buying -
As for the show itself – you know MTV knows how to entertain and do things different but for a moment here and there it felt like you were watching a high school production with shit going too far, too sloppy and confusing or maybe I’m just too old ;) - - - the performances were alright – finally pop has gotten rid of some of the lousy image acts like Lohan and Ashley – Shakira is always gorgeous but “hips” is my least favorite song of hers – I was about to fall in love with Christina Aguilera – that dress she wore to the show was fucking smoke’n – Last year I fell for Kelly Clarkson and this year I thought Christina would steal the show – but then she had to go use an orchestra for her performance and that killed the romance –
Oh and P.S. - Oops Looks like we finally “hung up” on Madonna – fuck’n bout time - that bitch was using up way too many of my minutes! – And don’t call back Madonna – send that old hag straight to voicemail – ha ha he he